Monday, 26 January 2015

Shot List

Establishing shot of the city – different shots of the town from different rooftops, birds eye view

Establishing shot of alleyway

Point of view shot of someone walking down a dark road

Long shot of person getting on bus

Over the shoulder shot of person reading text message

Extreme long shot of someone getting of the bus and meeting the friends


Hand held footage of teens looking at picture of little girl on the phone screen

Hand held footage of them running

Mid shot of masked man walks towards camera

Establishing shot of church

Hand held footage of the pentagram

Hand held footage of sounds

Hand held footage of will being pushed

Long shot of Emily walking and dead girl following her

Long shot of when Johnny see’s sarita

Black screen – scream


Will doing video diary – sarita, dead girl and masked man walking towards the camera

Shot from behind the camera of group of new teens watching footage

As teens put camera down POV shot of dead girl infront of them


Friday, 23 January 2015

Film Logo Ideas

These are my masthead ideas. I have used Dafont to find these logos. I used fonts from the horror category as it will obviously relate to the narrative of the trailer. I experimented with a white and black backgrounds. On the white background I used all black fonts and on the black backgrounds used a mix of red and white. I decided the red looks overdone so I'm not going to use them.

Audience Feedback on Film Logos

I narrowed my logos down to my 3 favourite ones, I then asked members of my target audience to chose which was their favourite one. This is because I realise that the white font against the black background works really well and gives it a modern feel as opposed to old horror film logos which are usually red font on a black background.

Female 18- 
 "I like this one because it is bold and it stands out.

However I also like the second one because it looks spindly and creepy".

Female, 17 -
"I like this font as it is quite creepy looking and fits with the narrative of the film".

Male, 18 -
"I like this because it is bold and looks like a stereotypical horror film logo".

Female, 17 - 
"I like this one because it is scary looking"

Female, 18 - 
"I like this because it is clear and doesn’t look generic".