Thursday, 26 June 2014

Verbal Feedback

A good start you have shown depth and detail in your production planning I like the story board which displays a good range of camera shots
Could you explore some different camera angles such as high low and canted this would add to the representation of your characters and also demonstrate tension and chaos particularly with the stab scene. Could you also name your characters and put your outline idea in a three part structure beginning middle and end. Abbreviate camera shots.

Monday, 23 June 2014


Customer: (on the phone) Hi, yeah it's me can we meet up?............ Ermm yeah the usual......... See you there.
Customer: Have you got my stuff?
Dealer: Yeah yeah.
Customer: Look the thing is....
Dealer: What! You don't have the money do you?
Customer: Nah I'll pay you back. I swear.
Dealer: I don't have time for this.
Customer: Just this once, I'm getting paid on Saturday.
Dealer: I said no.
Customer: Look I'll do anything just give it to me.
Dealer: You're wasting my time, you (bleep).
Customer: Don't speak to me like that, I'll shank you.
Dealer: Look yeah, I didn't mean it man, just stay calm.
Customer: Nah, you asked for it
Customer: (whilst stabbing) I'll take it myself.
Dealer: (groans)

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Shot List

1.       Tilting shot from feet to mouth
2.       Close up of mouth when speaking on the phone
3.       Establishing shot of tunnel/ bridge
4.       Long shot of customer arriving and waiting against the wall
5.       Establishing/long shot of dealer arriving and customer waiting
6.       Close up of customers face getting worried
7.       Over the shoulder shot of dealer approaching customer
8.       Two shot of them talking
9.       Close-up of customers face when he’s getting fidgety
10.   Close up of dealers face saying no
11.   Two shot of conversation
12.   Over the shoulder shot of customer getting angry
13.   POV shot of knife in pocket
14.   Over the shoulder shot of dealer backing away
15.   Two shot of him backing away
16.   Over the shoulder shot of him getting stabbed
17.   High angle of him falling
18.   High angle of him on the floor and customer running away
19.   Close up of dealers face

20.   Close up of customers face

Friday, 13 June 2014

Continuity Editing Research

Continuity Editing- A system of cutting used to maintain continuous and clear narrative action by following a set of rules.
The Rules

  • Establishing shot
  • shot/reverse shot
  • 180 degrees rule
  • 30 degrees rule
  • Cross Cutting
  • Match on Action
  • Eyeline Match
  • Re-establishing shot
  • Ellipsis
  • Diegetic Sound
  • Non Diegetic sound
Establishing Shot
A long shot or extreme long shot usually with loose framing that shows relationships between characters and sets the scene.

Shot/Reverse Shot
Two shot edited together that alternate characters, typically in a conversation. It may not be filmed together but edited together.

180 Degrees     

The angle between any two consecutive shots should not exceed 180 degrees, in order to maintain spatial relationship between people and objects in any given sequence of shots.

30 Degrees Rule
The angle between any two consecutive shots should not be less than 30 degrees, in order to maintain space between people and objects in any given sequence.

Cross Cutting

Editing that alternates between shots occurring simultaneously in two or more locations.

Match on Action

A cut between two shots that places two different framings of the same action next to each other, making it seem to continue uninterrupted.

Eyeline Match 
A cut between two shots, in which the first shot shows a person looking off in one direction and the second shot shows either a space containing what they are looking at or a person looking back in the opposite direction.

Re-establishing shot
A shot that returns to a view of a space or location after a series of closeups.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Conventions of a film trailer/ short films

  • Production Company Logo
  • Certification from the British board of film classification- e.g. PG, 12, 15, etc.
  • Director's Name
  • Cast Member's Names
  • Different Paces, e.g. some clips will be fast paced while others will be slow (setting the scene)
  • Varying shot lengths - how long the actual shots lasts for
  • Film Title
  • Social Media 'link' - facebook pages, twitter hashtags
  • Background/soundtrack music- can show genre, and how the film is paced
  • Release Date
  • Voiceover

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

How to use the camera and tripod

  • can change settings to suit the environment
  • Zooming in and out
  • HD

  • All three legs can be extended to add height
  • The neck can also be adjusted to add height
  • The
    pan handle can be adjusted so the camera can be tilted
  • a screw thing can be adjusted so camera can be panned
  • another screw can be adjusted to give a canted angle.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Preliminary Idea

A man/boy calls a drug dealer and asks to meet up. He meets up with the drug dealer and they argue as he doesn't have any money. The boy has problems so he gets very angry and threatens the drug dealer. He then stabs the drug dealer and runs away.