Sunday, 14 September 2014

Reseach Activity- Genre, Audience and Conventions Analysis of Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Trailer

The trailer starts with a Spanish rap song playing (soundtrack/non-diegetic sound). It shows polices cars and helicopters. It also shows dodgy people hanging around a car. Two boys are playing basketball and going to a party. One boy asks "Why do you have a bat in the back seat?" and he replies "In this hood, you never know." It also shows the boys being chased by the dodgy people surrounding the car. Basically the beginning of the trailer sets the scene and shows the audience where the film is based. The area in which it is based is portrayed as quite rough, has gangs etc. It is shown as a stereotypical "working  class" place in America. It also shows a shop selling Catholic religious items and shops with Spanish names. This tells us that it is based in a Spanish/south American place. We can tell this from the music, setting and even the dialogue of one of the characters, as he has a distinct south American accent. It also tells us that the film is set in Oxnard, California, which to people familiar with the area may relate to this. High key lighting is used to show realism.

There is a family celebrating a boy called "Jesse", it then shows Jesse at a party dancing and kissing a girl. From this the audience know that they have been introduced to one of the main characters of the film as we are shown a bit about him. Also it looks he is happy and his life is going well, meaning as it is a horror film, bad things may happen to him. It has the text 'June 2012' on a black screen after introducing Jesse. This indicates to the audience that the intro to Jesse is over and we're about to see something a bit different.

The audience are shown police carrying a body bag into an ambulance and this is a sign to the audience that bad stuff is about the happen. This is typical in horror films that if one bad thing happens, many follow after it. This excites the audience as they know to expect 'scary' things. There is some dialogue that says "Did someone die? That is so messed up.". This informs the audience about what has happened.

The next bit shows Jesse telling his friends that "The Lady that got killed, lived right under me." This indicates to the audience that something bad may happen to them as the 'murder' relates to them. Jesse then says " I have an idea, lets go check downstairs." They are following the conventions of a horror movie being the stupid/immoral teenagers. It tells us that something is definitely going to happen to them as that's what usually happens in horror films. This in a way can excite the audience as they know and can wait for bad stuff to happen, or it can out them off as they my feel the storyline of 'immoral teens' is overdone.

It shows the teens going in the apartment and it is dark and the only light is the light from their camera. This low key lighting can scare the audience as they cant see anything and it leaves a surprise for them. Jesse  says "There's blood everywhere." This tells us that the murder was gruesome and to expect some gore. It also gives the audience an expectation that the teens may die in that way. The teens come across some video cassettes and Jesse reads off one of them "Katie and Christy". People who are familiar with the previous films will understand the reference to "Katie and Christie". This tells them that the teens may get possessed like them, or that similar stuff that happened to them will happen to the teens. It also tells us that the woman who died had something to do with the whole 'paranormal' thing.

As they carry on searching the apartment they find lots of pagen/witch things, which freaks them out a little. They describe it as "Black magic stuff." They come across a picture of Jesse and the girl asks, "How does she have pictures of you?". The audience who are familiar with previous films will know that the woman was probably on of those satan worshiping witches. The picture of Jesse indicates to the audience that Jesse is going  to be the next victim. This may appeal to the audience as they know that weird stuff is going to start happening to him, but to others it may out them off as it similar to previous films. The text "This January" comes up on a black screen, this tells the audience when the film is going to come out.

Jesse says  "Dude, I had the craziest dreams ". This tells the audience that stuff has started happening to Jesse and that maybe the what they saw at the apartment has something to do with it. It shows Jesse showing the camera a bite on his arm, this relates to the other films as the bite tells them that they are going to get possessed by the demon. To the audience who are familiar, this is obvious, however to others it is not so it could to them seem like something is trying to hurt him. Jesse says "I've been getting this weird feeling, don't you  just feel like something is watching you?". This reassures the audience that they are right they a ghost or something is stalking Jesse.

This scene is shot from a low angle, representing power and dominance. This is proved true when they start beating Jesse up. Their costume also gives negative connotations about them being rough and not very nice.

Jesse hits the two men and they go flying. This is shown as more than human strength and is seen as paranormal.

There is text on the screen that says ' This is not a gift'. It tells us that Jesse doesn't have supernatural powers.

It shows Jesse taking something out of his eye and it looks quite painful, this scares the audience as they think its quite gruesome and scary. It is something that hasn't really been used in a horror film before so it is a bit different.
The text 'This is not an accident" tells audience that are familiar with previous films that it links with all of the others and in a way the audience already know what is going to happen.

Christie's step daughter from the second film is shown showing pictures of Katie and Mika from the original film. This again appeals to the familiar audience. The girl explains how Katie and Christie got possessed and now it is going to happen to  Jesse. This tells the audience about the general plot and they sort of in a way know what to expect.

Jesse's friends are in a car at night when their brakes down, they see Jesse running towards them but then he disappears. The camera then shows all angles around the car. This scares the audience as he could be anywhere and they are expecting him to pop out of nowhere or be in one of the angles shown. Jesse appears in the window and the girl starts screaming, he smashes the window and pulls his friend out of it. This scares the audience as Jesse's character has changed completely and he is totally different to what he was at the beginning when we were introduced to him. It tells the audience that he has been possessed and it follows a similar story to Katie and Christie's story. The text 'This is only the beginning tells the audience to expect more as it will get worse than that. 

It shows scenes of Jesse's grandmother praying to Jesus and going to a religious spiritual place to seek help. This tells us that an exorcism or something may try and take place. It also tells us that they may be dealing with the devil as usually in horror films religion is used against the devil to draw him out. It gives the audience the idea that they are going to try and get the demon out of him.

As Jesse's grandmother tries to perform an exorcism, it shows that the lights start flickering and Jesse starts to get crazed. This tells us that he is probably going to hurt someone or something.

It shows an empty room and something being flung towards the camera, this gives the audience a shock scare as it was unexpected. The object then falls and a crazed Jesse is shown standing in the room, where he wasn't before.

Part of a pentagram is shown and it looks like a summoning ritual or something. This can intrigue the audience as only the corner of it is shown and not the whole thing, so it leaves something to the imagination. Also a series of shock scares are used to get the audience ready for a real scare. This is a tactic many horror movie trailers use to keep the audience enticed.

As the jump/shock scares stop, it shows the camera getting through some curtains and the audience don't know what to expect and out of nowhere pops young Katie and Christie and they have black eyes. As we think the scare is over is shows another creepy face which is quite unexpected.

The title is in the same font and colour as the other films, this creates a brand identity and makes the film recognisable. It puts the release date as January 2014, which was shown earlier in the trailer too. This helps the audience remember when the film is release so they can go out and watch it when it comes out. There are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter links and a promotional hashtag #TheMarkedOnes. This is good so they can spread more awareness of the movie through social media, which is a free way of marketing.

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